This man really shattered me,influenced my thoughts..changed my thought process and fine tuned my mind radio by injecting a fresh breath of new life into it..
Before i proceed any further about him you need to know something about me…
I have this very passionate hobby of practicing Homoeopathy just to help myself,my family and a few of those relatives in their hour of crisis..
I have inherited this hobby from my beloved Father but i practice it with more intensity and research today, as one personal problem(A severe bout of depression,melancholy and intra psychic stress shook me beyond repair and has almost consumed my life..) i had three years ago forced me to do so..
During those depressing times i used to walk miles and miles from one lane to the other just to ward off those feelings of dangerous self consumption and destruction..
I have consulted many doctors and spent lot of money but my problem not only remained unsolved but also aggravated with every passing day..i visited even a renowned homoeopath in mumbai but without much help..
With a good number of experiences in our family history i was sure Homoeopathy has a cure for my problem and I only need to tap the right medicine..
Left with no other option i have decided to cure myself and have done extensive research on various diseases and problems,studied several books on Homoeopathy in those silent hours of night and ended up in finding solution not only to my problem but also to some rare and chronic problems..
Through my study i found that mind is the root cause of all problems in this world and i focussed my study more on psychosomatic disorders and in fact found medicines that can heal many psychic disorders including insanity..
After that whole of wide extensive study,i started to cure my self and achieved hundred percent success gave me immense confidence..then i started helping my family members.personal friends and other relatives in getting relief from their problems.
And in the process i cured diseases like sinusitis,migraine, haemorrhoids, erysipelas,chronic constipation etc.. but the notable cure among all these was schizophrenia with which a distant relative of mine was suffering for a considerable amount of time..

By the word of mouth my popularity spread and..
One day..
THIS MAN Called me..
He is the owner of the building where my niece stays..
My niece Priya who is a satisfied patient of mine told him to consult me for a chronic skin problem
with which he was suffering for almost a decade and half..
So one day he called me..Initially i was reluctant to take the case because skin problem needs constant follow up and a regular study and time..he already visited several homeopaths including Batra’s but in vain..this made me more apprehensive but he requested me to see him once..
As he is an elderly retired man of 68 i couldn’t say no and asked him to come to my home the following Sunday..
Such a rich man of 68 years of age ,owner of a building, came to my home on a bicycle all the way from his home covering a good distance of 8 kms ..
He was a humble looking simple man in a more humble attire..
He introduced himself as Panduranga rao a retired railway employee..
To begin with..
I posed a routine question that whether he has any diseases like sugar,b.p etc for which he replied in negative..
He told me”..baabu..i dont have any problem..i don’t smoke,drink or eat non veg..i do not even drink coffee out side..i am a kannada brahmin and am only fond of pickles..”
Showing me his left hand wrist he told me”..this is causing me a lot of irritation as there is terrible itching..”
I observed a small and hard black scar in the corner of his wrist..
That is all..
I gave him a combination of medicines and asked him to report to me after a fortnight..
He went off and called me exactly after a fortnight and told me that initially there was some relief and later aggravation..
I asked him to come the following sunday..
He came..and with one statement changed my outlook towards life and recharged me with tons of optimism sufficient enough for a life beyond life..
Please read the exact conversation..
First I made him comfortably seated..
And later checked his progress..
And asked him..” r u feeling now..”
He said”..Though there was initial aggravation am feeling better now..”
I very casually said”..good..but dont worry.. Treatment for skin problems is a time consuming process and aggravation is a good sign that the medicine is i will give u some more doses of medicine and use sure u will feel better..”
As i was preparing the medicine mixing some German dilutions he was silently observing me..
He said..”u r using so many costly medicines and
I smiled and said”..this is not my profession and only a hobby..and by God’s grace I can afford to buy these medicines..i want people to be happy..thats all”and finished the process of preparation..
I was about to hand them over to him..
That time he told me..
Told me something that shook me off the ground and shattered me to the core..
“Baaboo..the last time when i came u asked me whether i have any disease..i said no..but i forgot..only after going home i could recollect..four years ago I had throat cancer and took thirty cycles of treatment(friends,pathetically speaking, i do not know what is a cycle of treatment and what comprises a cycle but for sure i know that it is worse than a hell) am father and fore fathers lived beyond eighty five and if God blesses i will also live up to 90..”
I thought I was listening..
But i was shocked..benumbed..speechless..
I didn’t know how to react..but only found him looking at me with that same enigmatic smile..
He got up and shaking my hands with a thanks sought my permission to leave….
With a most idiotic smile on my face i nodded my head..
Though customary i even forgot to see him off ..
He left….
Leaving me shattered..shattered and shatteredddd…
My dear friends..
In our day to day life we come across scores of people who will bore us with their personal problems and if it is a small health related problem they will actually kill us by speaking volumes about the pain they are going through..
But here..
This man…
Does not remember that he had cancer
Does not remember that he had passed through a terrible hell of thirty painful cycles of chemotherapy(????)..And also..
Does not even remember that he almost knocked on the doors of death and was mercifully kicked back by GOD..
Surprisingly so he wants to live for ninety years..
Wow..What a man and what a state of mind..
My dear friends..
What else can i say..???Except one thing..
May God bless him..
That Is All…………………………………………………………….
hi mastered the art of reporting is highly motivating to know that personalities like this exist in this world..
ReplyDeletehey hey Naren, really really touched me yaar..keep it up..
ReplyDeletenaren,for sure we all are aware of your writing talent but i am very glad to read about the other concealed side of u and your hidden talents..
ReplyDeletehi narren,just mind blowing,good to know that you do some healing say the least this man shattered me too
ReplyDeletegreat narren,very well composed very well written..cheerrss.