contents and images of this story may cause some pain and fear to some
readers.Therefore I request all those who are under treatment for psychosomatic
disorders and cardiac problems not to read this story.Anyone going ahead are
doing so at their own risk.
Strange - is it not? - that of the myriads,
Who Before us passed the door of Darkness
Not one returns to tell us of the road
Which to discover we must travel too.
-Omar Khayyam
After waking up from the
deep sleep and gaining some consciousness, Rahul then was in complete sitting
position with his hands rested on the table..
He tried to figure out
where he was but found only pitch black darkness all around..
He tried to see through
the darkness.But nothing was visible..
For a moment he
thought that the power supply was off..
Yawning very lazily
he called his mother..
He did not get any
So he called again..
This time by increasing the
volume of his tone..
Still no use..
While calling so he was
regaining full consciousness and was slowly getting back his senses into full
He then turned his head
around in one eighty degrees..
Could see nothing..
Waited and then again..
He called his mother....
And this time he found the
In the closed room he was
listening to his own voice in a digital effect..
Confused and finding it
very odd he looked around with still half opened eyes..
And again found more and
more blinding and a terribly frightening darkness all around with not even a
ray of light from anywhere..
He started feeling very
uncomfortable with so much of darkness around and in particular with the closed
room tone which was more irritating.
Not only that,after
sleeping for such a long time his lips have gone dry and he was feeling
He was very badly in need
of some water to drink...
Now slowly turning to his
With the hope of waking up
his mother for water, he very casually moved his left hand in the air...
His intention was to touch
and wake his mother up who normally sleeps to his left side on the double bed
while his father sleeps to his right..
And when he moved his hand
it involuntarily came into contact with the wooden table lying in front of
He felt the touch a
bit hard..
In the darkness he could
not understand what those hard objects were and why did they come into his bed
Spreading his hand on the
table like a blind man he tried to find out what that hard object was..
After running his hand
over it he realized what it was...
And told himself..
“It is like the writing
table in my class room”
He paused for a second..
Then the doubt…
our…bed ro..o…oo..oo..…..”
He thought and paused,
Paused and thought,
No need to complete the
No need to figure out..
A huge bomb large enough
to blow away the whole universe, exploded in his mind..
That’s all..
He just jumped off the
sitting position and looked around to identify the place..
One after the other…
In a quick reel..
He could recollect all the
incidents that took place since morning that day..
His father dropping him at
the school, the lunch break, lunch with his friends, the curd rice, the French
fries and finally his sleeping in the last table..
"How could I sleep
for such a long time...."
"Why did those rascals Peter,Sam and Mihir not wake me up.."
"How could the teacher not notice me.."
"Why did those rascals Peter,Sam and Mihir not wake me up.."
"How could the teacher not notice me.."
“But..where is the
watchman..why did my father not come to pick me up????”
“Do I have to stay here
the whole night till the school opens tomorrow?”
"Oh no no no.."
All these thoughts that
were whirling in his young mind came to a sudden halt as one thought bomb…
Bigger than all the
explosives in the world..
Had blown his mind into
pieces by knocking him off,shaking him off.and shattering him off there by
throwing his mind into a complete disarray of psychological imbalance..
“..The school will remain
closed from tomorrow..”
Rahul may not be an Albert
Einstein but is intelligent enough to figure out what must have happened while
he was sleeping..
And what finally led to
his loneliness in the darkness..
He stopped breathing for a moment......
He stopped breathing for a moment......
A sort of a fearfully fear
packed fear rushed into his mind..
A gripping, mind wrenching
fear that can blow away any brave man,
A dangerously most
dangerous fear that should not enter in to anybody’s mind in their life time..
A fear from whose
captivity no human being could ever escape..
And exactly that fear…
That fear..
Entered his mind..
My dear readers, Death is
less dangerous and more pleasurable than the mind that is filled with that sort
of a gripping fear..
That fear from within his
own self took Rahul’s tiny and tender mind into complete control..
With his eyes literally
popping out of his face, he looked around like a hapless Dove surrounded by a
number of ruthless hunters..
Making things worse..
He started feeling a sort
of heaviness in his chest..
There is a terrible
feeling of anxiety filled with tremors right in the middle of his stomach which
was making him unsteady..
It was a sort of an
unbearable trauma too much even for the matured elders…
And it is needless to say
what sort of a devastating impact it will have on the tiny economy of Rahul..
He looked fearfully at the
fear he has to combat..
Looked tearfully at his
fate pleading for mercy...
And looked requesting at the darkness with helplessness..
And looked requesting at the darkness with helplessness..
He could only find more
and more blinding and a terribly frightening darkness all around...
Again with that deafening
dark silence mixed with the more irritating room tone..
He was going breathless..
He was going breathless..
There is no light whatsoever
from any corner..
A little light that was
coming from the sparkling marble like eye balls of a dark thick haired black
cat that was observing Rahul and his plight from a little distance from the
The dark cat was surprised
to see someone sitting in darkness in the class room at that hour of night..
With its eyes filled with
curiosity it was silently observing Rahul for a long time..
Fortunately Rahul did not
observe the dark cat that was like a symbolic glorification of darkness and
He was just sitting and
looking deep into the terrorizing darkness spread before his field of vision..
Suddenly his whole body
started to shiver with chills..
Continued in The Untold Misery Of A school Boy-Part Six
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