When fortunes come,
They normally come in a single file,
And when misfortunes come
They definitely come in battalions
Little Rahul’s parents Shekhar and Supriya are brilliant academicians with high profile jobs.
Even their friends and relatives are all brilliant academicians with aristocratic back grounds. But all their intellectual energy combined together could not generate one simple common sense related theory that,
“Rahul is a young boy and there is every possibility of his sleeping in the class room.”
Shekhar too just went by what the stupid watchman had told him.
May be all of us will normally go by what people around us say and shun our responsibilities and duties at a very crucial juncture.
We think that the watchman has a duty to perform and that he had checked everything as per his duty and should be trusted and when he says so we trust him.
But the other person whoever it might be may still be wrong some times…
Many people among us with our pre occupied minds tend to take certain people and certain statements for granted which may some times result in an irreparable damage and irrevocable tragedy causing unbearable pain for a life beyond life.
And that sort of a lackadaisical attitude of humanity resulted in this story.
And that sort of a lackadaisical attitude of humanity resulted in this story.
After their desperate search..
Shekhar and friends left the school premises and moved towards their respective vehicles…
Supriya was weeping inconsolably for her son.
“..Rahul..my Rahul..where are you my son..my beloved son..where are you..God..where is my Rahul..”
The friends,the relatives,the police everyone were watching her in utter helplessness..
Some were trying to console her,and some were giving her words of courage..
It was 9.00 PM..
Holding Supriya close to his heart Shekhar moved from that place..
With heavy hearts,the friends too followed them..
Raising a lot of dust..
One after the other all the cars left the place..
At that time..
The wind was still blowing mildly..
The room where Rahul was sleeping was bathing in thick darkness getting ready to greet Rahul..
The dark corridors,the crows ,other living creatures and nocturnal animals were all waiting to greet Rahul when he wakes up..
The tips of the tall Eucalyptus trees in the school compound were moving very closely to the room gazing at Rahul from a very close quarter..
When viewed in loneliness during the night and when viewed in darkness through the window from Rahul’s point of view the moving of those eucalyptus tress will definitely shatter even the bravest among the brave..
And how will the tiny and tender Rahul receives it..?????
Only time will tell..
That time that has never altered its pace for any one..
That time that has never altered its pace for any one..
That time that treats everyone with equal respect..
That time that is so detached from all human emotions and attachments..
That time that is the only witness to so many historically important events, happenings and tragedies..
And that time “at that time” was moving very mechanically..
With one foot up and one foot down..
Marching in complete discipline and in an order
As commanded by HIM, The Supreme Commander of The Universal Forces..
At that time..
Exactly at that time..
At 9.02 P M…
Our very beloved tiny,tender,cute looking little Rahul..
Woke up..
Woke up..
Woke up first from his sleep..
Then rubbing his eyes with his fists he tried to open them..
Very Slowly..
Very Slowly..
He thought he opened them, but they were only half open..
After a few seconds he opened them fully..
The eye lids were still sticking to each other..
Then he opened them again with some effort..
He could only see thick darkness all around combined with the sound of creaky nightly tones like that of crickets...
He could only see thick darkness all around combined with the sound of creaky nightly tones like that of crickets...
For a few moments he remained static in a state of confusion..
It was a semi conscious state anyone would experience when they wake up from a very deep slumber..
His head was heavy and numb as he slept continuously for a long time on a wooden table..
He tried to come into full consciousness but his numb mind was not cooperating with him,so he did not try to move and remained in the same position for some more time..
While doing so he felt some hardness under his back and then made an attempt to wake up from that position..
In an attempt to raise his body from that sleeping posture..
He forcefully came into contact with the writing table in front of him as his head hit it very badly..
He forcefully came into contact with the writing table in front of him as his head hit it very badly..
A pain filled”mom”,invoulantrily came from his mouth as that contact with the table caused some pain..
And with that contact he regained complete consciousness..
The lonely room filled with darkness,the fully open window,the five elements of nature were all watching him with bated breath…
If only humanity is gifted with the powers of reading,viewing and understanding the body language of the five elements of Nature,it will definitely find them shedding tears for our little Rahul as they were seeing his future at that moment..
The Story Now Begins in the Untold Misery Of A School Boy-Part Five
Dear Audi,it has been said before by many that you have developed a unique style in writing, which is evident in your posts.But what inspires me the most is the layer by layer unraveling of the mystery you adopt in the story.Tried to figure out whose writings must have inspired u but still is unable to find one.There is a hidden pain and philosophy in your writings which target the emotional quotient of the reader and makes her/him think.But why give so much pain to the reader.As you make it appear so realistic and painful through your writing, it is heard to believe that it is a true story.It definitely made me emotional. Remember you have a die hard fan in me.Very eagerly looking forward to see the whole story shortly
ReplyDeleteI could not stop reading this! And I actually don’t find that with many writers in the "blog" world, particularly as I’m often pressed for time and shouldn’t be distracted as it is!
ReplyDeleteBut this was just...enthralling! I was with you every step of the way, ever word. I just loved it. I will definitely be back for more, and you are going on my blog roll!