Dear Friends,Whether or not you all
believe-- this is the true story of a very graceful lady,her
life,her passion and her feelings.Though I have a very vital role to play in this story, it only has a lesser significance.I very strongly feel that people around the world
should know about this great lady of exemplary character whom I shall keep adoring until God himself decides to fall in love with me.....
Am Still Waiting For This Lady
Still after twenty five
Still with my eyes wide
open and..
Still with a bouquet in My
hands and..
Still with the same smile and...
Still with the same smile and...
Still with my heart almost
going breathless with every passing day...
Waiting to convey that..
With beautifully laid out
black top roads having green black berry trees on both their sides,Osmania
University is one of the oldest modern universities in India and is a must
watch for every student and for that matter every human being.
Even today,except an
occasional city bus and a few bikes, one will not find much of a traffic moving
on these roads.
If this is the scenario
One can then imagine how
this university was twenty five years ago...
It was just spectacular..
Just the more serene and
just the more peaceful than what it is today.
And in that spectacular
university there is a beautiful bus stop under a huge Black berry tree. This is
called the ladies hostel bus stop as it is just opposite the OU ladies hostel.
No one knows when this bus
stop was erected but it is there even today,though in a slightly dilapidated
And twenty five years
On a quite day..
In that bus stop..
I have seen the most
beautiful,gorgeous,pretty and above all the most graceful lady of my life.
This whole story is about
that lady and that lady alone…
With a mind conquering
grace and a more captivating enigmatic smile,this lady is still there vivid and
active in my memory today and shall remain to be there for a life beyond life.
That is the aura and that
was the magic she has cast over me.
I,as a student of
graduation used to board my bus in this bus stop to my college,The Nizam
college,one of the oldest, popular and the
most celebrated colleges of not only Hyderabad but also of India...
It was this college that
produced some rare gems like Sarojini Nayudu,M L Jaisimha,Shyam Benegal,Asif
Iqbal,Rakesh Sarma,Mohd.Azharuddin,our Andhra Pradesh CM Kiran Kumar Reddy etc...
For me,life in those days
was naughty as it ought to be and I was always on a song with so much to do in
so little a time..
During one such days..
It was a lazy morning in
the month of August..
It was around 9AM and I as
usual was late to the college..
Normally at that time of
the day only me and my friend used to be there in the bus stop with literally
no one else around..
Sitting in the bus stop
and waiting for the bus,both of us used to sing old Hindi songs loudly..
Really loudly....
And on that day too...
Both of us were waiting
for our bus in the bus stop..
In a chorus and like a
national anthem we were singing “mere sapnoki rani kab aayegi tu..”very
While singing I turned my
head and started looking into the direction of the bus..
My singing stopped as I
didn’t find the bus coming but found a young lady coming slowly towards the bus
She was wearing a Red
color salwar kameez and even from a distance gave me the impression that she is
an extremely gorgeous lady..
As I was curiously watching
her,she slowly walked towards the bus stop and sat comfortably in the vacant cement sofa in the bus stop..
At that time I was casually
sitting on the iron bar in the front side and my friend was standing in front
of me..
I was stunned by her
beauty to say the least and was left dumb for almost some time..
After a few minutes my bus
I looked at my friend..he
And we let the bus go..
Another came..same
I wanted to know which bus
she will be catching and which college will she be going to..
I tried to look at her but
she was busy waiting for the bus..
Me,my friend and Ms.
Only three of us were
there in the bus stop..
And in an absolute
She was waiting..
I was waiting..
We were all waiting…
And finally her bus came
and as everyone in the bus were watching with curiosity,she quietly boarded the bus..
I tried to move and was
almost moving..
And before me and my
friend could realize what was happening the lucky bus carrying the beautiful
lady left us and left the bus stop..
I was shocked and mouth
fully cursed my friend for not advising me to catch that bus..
Continued In"Am Still Waiting For This Lady-Part Two
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